Suite au départ du Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne, l'équipe du CEHTRA reste disponible pour répondre à toutes vos questions afin de vous assurer que vous êtes en conformité avec le nouveau cadre réglementaire qui s'applique à partir du 1er janvier 2021. Nous avons abordé certaines informations clés liées à quatre des secteurs d'activité clés (REACH, Biocides, Protection des Végétaux et Cosmétiques) sur cette page pour vous tenir informé de la manière dont les experts du CEHTRA peuvent vous accompagner dans le nouveau cadre réglementaire.
Contacts clés
Produits Phytosanitaires
UK REACH Registration and OR
Consortium Management
Support for negotiation with data holders for access
Communications with UK regulatory authorities
Plant Protection
Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) will establish independent pesticides regulatory rules on 1 January 2021. Therefore please make sure that your current UK products are authorised under the new rules.
According to CRD, the new laws to ensure the safe use of plant protection products will be similar to existing laws including compliance with regulations for Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs).
Current product authorisations and MRLs will still be valid in the Great Britain from 1 January 2021. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will continue to operate as the UK’s regulator. In addition, under the terms of the Northern Ireland Protocol, the EU pesticides rules will continue to apply in Northern Ireland after 1 January 2021.
CEHTRA will continue to support its clients for their UK products.
UK REACH Registration
Consortium Management
Support for negotiation with data holders for access
Communications with UK regulatory authorities
(Article 95)
From 1 January 2021, Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) will put in place a regulatory framework for biocidal products. It will be similar to EU framework (EU BPR), but both will operate independently of each other.
All applications will be submitted to HSE as regulating authority
Biocidal product authorizations and active substance approvals that are valid in GB will remain valid until their normal expiry date. The authorization will need to be transferred to a company based in UK.
The authorization holder of biocidal actives and products will need to be established in the UK by 1st January 2022.
Respective data might have to be resubmitted to HSE. These data will be the same data or other information that you previously submitted to ECHA or other competent authorities.
Biocidal product or active substance applications still under evaluation after 31st December 2020 will be continued by HSE where possible to grant the authorization. Information supporting the original application has to be resubmitted for enabling HSE to complete the evaluation within 90 or 180 days depending on your situation.
A UK article 95 list for approved a.s. suppliers will be established similar to the EU Article 95 list. To stay on the UK Article 95 list you will have to comply with the according requirements within 2 years’ time.
Plant Protection
Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) will establish independent pesticides regulatory rules on 1 January 2021. Therefore please make sure that your current UK products are authorised under the new rules.
According to CRD, the new laws to ensure the safe use of plant protection products will be similar to existing laws including compliance with regulations for Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs).
Current product authorisations and MRLs will still be valid in the Great Britain from 1 January 2021. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will continue to operate as the UK’s regulator. In addition, under the terms of the Northern Ireland Protocol, the EU pesticides rules will continue to apply in Northern Ireland after 1 January 2021.
CEHTRA will continue to support its clients for their UK products.
Produits cosmétiques
La Grande-Bretagne (Angleterre, Écosse et Pays de Galles) établit des règles réglementaires indépendantes pour les produits cosmétiques placés sur le marché de la Grande Bretagne à partir du 1er janvier 2021.
La règlementation reste très proche du Règlement Cosmétique (avec un DIP, un rapport de sécurité, une notification). La Personne Responsable devra être en Grande Bretagne. Par défaut, l’importateur est cette PR. Il est recommandé d’identifier une PR qui pourra assumer toutes les responsabilité pour la sécurité du produit.
Une notification devra également être faite sur le portail anglais.
Ces démarches sont valables autant pour les nouveaux produits que pour les produits existants entrant en Grande Bretagne.
CEHTRA peut accompagner les fabricants de produits cosmétiques dans ces démarches.