The evaluation of substances for Endocrine Disruption (ED) potential has been mandatory since 2018 under the Plant Protection Products and Biocide Products regulations.
The year 2023 is a key turning point :
New hazard classes for endocrine disruptors according to CLP regulation entered into force on 20 April:
- ED HH in Category 1 and Category 2 (Endocrine disruption for human health)
- ED ENV in Category 1 and Category 2 (Endocrine disruption for the environment)
Also, the update of regulation on Cosmetic Products to take into account ED assessment is awaited in the coming months.
In addition, the next update of REACH regulation is expected to include new requirements to identify ED from the lowest tonnage band.
Anticipation and adaptation to these regulatory changes are strongly recommended.
CEHTRA can provide you a balanced and independent ED assessment by experts and can guide you to obtain reliable results using appropriate state-of-the-art tools and methods for your substances of interest.
Key Services
Optimised assessment of ED properties
Generating new data
Data compilation for regulatory dossiers
Existing regulatory data
Targeted bibliographic search
QSAR screening
Tailored testing strategies (based on in silico, in vitro and/or in vivo studies)
Study monitoring of ED specific studies
Robust study summaries
EFSA table and identification of lines of evidence
Reports on ED assessments of specific ingredients or formulations
Position papers on the relevance of ED potential of a substance for human health/environment
Value-added Services
In silico screening by QSAR experts
Bespoke services adapted to many domains
(biocides, PPP, cosmetics, chemicals…)
Experienced in-house (eco)toxicologists
Key Contact
Interested to know more? Our key contact for Endocrine Disruption services, Julien LEGHAIT will be happy to answer all your queries. You can email him or simply drop your query into the chat window below.